Thursday 17 March 2022


How Things Are Going At ICBP


For those of you who have contacted us to see how the future is looking for ICBP, many thanks it is lovely to know that you care.

The process of closing the Centre is done,we finished all the owl evenings, and completed a further month of experience days. The rest we had to cancel and refund the finances because if we had run all of them we would have still be doing them in October and we could not afford to do that. Don't forget though, this is not the end of ICBP, but just a different chapter in its long life! 

All the birds are well, the Avian Influenza zone was lifted last week and so we have been able to start moving birds. The first 14 went on Tuesday to a good friend of ours who has had birds from us before, it was hard to see them go, but better that they get settled quickly. Two more went today, and there are another nine going over the next two days. We have made sure that all are going to places where their housing is as good as here or better. We plan to have all of those who are not staying with me or going with Holly moved and settled by the end of May at the latest.

One of our bird staff is sorted out job wise and leaving in the third week of April, the other three have all gone for interviews and will hear soon. So it is good to know that they will find new jobs fairly easily. Holly and Adam are staying until we have moved all bar the birds I am taking, then they will move with all the vultures that are going with them, plus a few other birds Holly is taking. That will be a move and a half.

Exactly which of the birds  goes with me is a moveable feast as I will take those that we can’t rehome, either because I don’t want them to go or because they are too old or cantankerous to find the right homes. But it will be 8 – 10 birds I think.

The property has been sold subject to exchange of contracts. But in case you are wondering, not as a bird of prey centre. I have done that before and am not doing it again. The buyer has been kind enough to give me time to finish everything here and find a new property to go to. If they love this house and land as much as I do that will be great.

Where am I and the charity going? That is a question that people ask me and the answer is at the moment I do not know. Until the contracts are exchanged for this property there is no point in getting excited about a new place. I am looking, and there are a few properties out there, but not many at the moment. I am told that more will come onto the market once the spring is here. I am looking in several areas and hope to find somewhere as quickly as possible. Once I do I will let everyone know what area I and the charity will be moving to.

So that is about it for now. We move on waiting for various things to happen and in the meantime, care for the birds, tidy up everywhere as we go along and get rid of things that we no longer need. We are not bored that is for sure.




I have to say that keeping a weblog can at times become compulsive and at other times a chore. Sometimes I am berrated for not keeping it up and sometimes I get wonderful comments from people who follow the news of the Centre.

It is fun to share the daily goings on here, some good and some bad, some funny and some sad, but all a part of our daily lives.
And as I said before its a pretty cool to be here and it is a great place to visit, you should try coming and watching the birds and meeting the staff and of course the dogs.

An interesting video on Lead

An interesting video on Lead

I find it staggering that people who want to hunt don't see the value in changing their ammunition from lead to a safer product. We have stopped using lead in petrol, in paint, in our water pipes, but they still want to use lead - ah well, apparently eating it not only kills birds but leads to reduced intelligence in humans......................

NO ONE is asking you to stop legal and genuine hunting, they are just asking you to change your ammunition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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